Learn how to make Top 5 Whisky based cocktails #london#bar#cocktailmasterclass @whisky @burbonewhisky

Whisky is the trickiest base ingredient to use in cocktails. The rich, sweet woody flavour of American Whiskey such as bourbon and rye , fruitiness of Canada whisky are better in this respect than Scotch.
For all recipes 1 measures taken as the standard bar measure, that is 25ml and standard 1/2 measure term used in the recipe.
Please no 1/2 is in measure not 1 full or 2 full.
Rob Roy
1 measure Scotch
1 measure sweet red vermouth
1- Shake the ingredients well with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
2- Some recipes add a dash of Angostura bitters to the mix as well but its uptown up of you want you can add.
Old Fashioned
1/4 measure sugar syrup
2 dashes Angostura bitters
2 measure bourbon or rye whiskey
1- Mix the sugar and Angostura in an old fashioned glass until the sugar is dissolved.
2- Add plenty of cracked ice and then the whiskey.
3- Throw in a twist of lemon rind, a slice of orange cut laterally from the fruit and a cocktail cherry and serve with stirring implement in it.
Bobby Burns
1 -1/2 measure Scotch
3/4 measure/3 tsp sweet red vermouth
1/4 measure Benedictine
1- Stir all the ingredients well with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
2- Squeeze a spray of oil from a piece of lemon rind over the surface but in this case don't add the rind to the drink.
Sea Dog
1-2 sugar cubes
2 dash Angostura bitters
2 orange wedges
2 lemon wedges
2/3 measure /1 tsp Scotch
1 measure Benedictine
2 measure soda water
1- Put the sugar cube at the bottom of a highball glass, add the bitters and allow to soaking sugar.
2- Add orange and lemon wedges and, using a muddler press the juices from the fruits.
3-Fill the glass with cracked ice
4- Add the whisky and Benedictine and mix together well with a swizzle stick.
5- Add soda water and garnish with a maraschino cherry.
1- 1/2 measure bourbon
2.5ml Angostura bitters
5 measure Coca- Cola
1-Add the first two ingredients to a highball glass containing plenty of cracked ice.
2- Stir briskly and then top up with cola.
3- Serve with a swizzle stick for further stirring.