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Cocktail Masterclass with London Food Guild

Writer's picture: Ayush MehtaAyush Mehta

Learn how to make exciting cocktails with some twist #cocktails#cocktailmasterclass

In this session we will learn how to make 22 different types of cocktails using , Gin , Vodka ,whisky and some shot cocktails served in shot glasses which we don't see much. #london #cocktails #bar #londonrestaurants #cocktailclass #eatoutlondon

Feel free to add your own twist and test it yourself.

1 measures 25ml

Please no 1/2 is in measure not 1 full or 2 full.

1- Alabama Slammer

Small but give perfect kick

Serves 1

1 measure Southern Comfort

1 measure Amaretto

1/2 measure sloe gin

1/2 tsp lemon juice

1- Pour the southern comfort, Amaretto and sloe gin over cracked ice in a mixing glass and stir.

2- Strain into a shot glass and add 1/2 tsp lemon juice.


Small but give super kick

Serves 1

1 measure absinthe, iced

1 measure lime juice cordial, iced

1-Ice a shot glass.

2-Shake the absinthe and lime over ice and when well frosted, strain into the shot glass.

3-High Flyer

2/3 measure gin

1/2 measure Strega

1/2 measure triple sec


orange or lemon peel to decorate

1- Stir the first three ingredients well over ice and strain into a tumbler.

2-Finish with a twist of peel and serve in shot glass.

4-Toffee Split

Crushed ice

1 measure toffee liqueur, iced

2 measure Drambuie

1- Fill a small long shot glass with crushed ice

2- Pour on the Drambuie and pour in the toffee liqueur carefully from the side of the glass so it layers on top.

3- drink immediately.

5-Aurora Borealis

This is very colored drink and should not be mixed

1 measure iced grappa or vodka

1 measure iced green Chartreuse

1/2 measure iced orange Curacao

few drops iced cassis

1- Pour grappa slowly round side of a well chilled shot glass.

2- Gently Pour the Chartreuse round the other side.

3- Pour Curacao gently into the middle and add few drops of cassis just before serving.

Remember not to stir this drink.

6-My Fair Lady ( classic cocktails from 1950's)

1 measure Gin

1/2 measure/ 2 tsp orange juice

1/2 measure /2 tsp lemon juice

1/4 measure creame de fraise

1 egg white

Shake all the ingredients throughly with ice in cocktail shaker and strain into a cocktail glass (Martini glass)

7-White Lady ( classic cocktails from 1920's)

1 measure Gin

1 measure Cointreau

1 measure lemon juice

Shake the ingredients with ice in a shake and strain into a frosted martini glass, cocktail glass .

you can add lime twist in the glass.

8-Perfect Lady

1 measure Gin

1/2 measure /2 tsp Peach brandy

1/2 measure /2 tsp lemon juice

1 measure egg white

Put all the ingredients into a liquidizer with good handful of crushed ice, blend for few seconds and then pour into a champagne bowl glass.

Garnish with slice of juicy fresh peach.

9-Mayfair ( classic cocktails from 1920's)

1 1/2 measure / 6 tsp Gin

3/4 measure Apricot brandy

3/4 measure Orange juice

1/4 measure /1 tsp Clove syrup

Shake all the ingredients well with ice in cocktail shaker and strain into a cocktail glass.

10-Red Cloud

1 1/2 measure /6 tsp Gin

3/4 measure Apricot brandy

1/2 measure lemon juice

1/4 measure grenadine

dash Angostura bitters

Shake all the ingredients well with ice in cocktail shaker and strain into a champagne saucer glass or cocktail glass.

Garnish with half slice of lemonade a cherry.

12-Perfect Manhattan

2 measure rye whiskey

1/4 measure /1tsp dry vermouth

1/4 measure sweet red vermouth

1-Pour the whiskey and vermouths into a bar glass half-full of ice. Stir well for 30 seconds to mix and chill.

2-Strain on the rocks or straight up into a chilled cocktail glass.

3-Add small strip of lemon rind , tie it into a knot help release the oils from the rink and drop it into the cocktail.

4-Add Maraschino cherry with its stake left intact to finish the drink.

13-Mint Julep

15ml /1 tsp caster sugar it should be superfine

8-10 fresh mint leaves

2/3 measure /1 tsp hot water

2 measure bourbon

1-Place sugar in a bar glass

2-Tear mint leaves into small pieces and add them to the sugar. Bruise them with a pestle or use muddler to release their flavor and colour.

3-Add hot water and grind well together , spoon into a highball glass or any cocktail glass half-fill with crushed ice

4- Add bourbon, stir until the outside of the glass has frosted, allow to stand for couple of minutes until ice melts slightly and dilutes the drink.

14-New York

2 measure Canadian whisky or Scotch

5ml / 1 tsp super fine caster sugar

juice of half lime

dash grenadine

1-Stir all ingredients vigorously with ice in a pitcher and then strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

2-Squeeze a twist of lemon over the drink but don't drop in it.


1 -1/2 measure Bourbon

3/4 measure / 3 tsp Cointreau

dash grenadine

1/2 egg white

1-Shake all ingredients well with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

2-Garnish with half slice of lemon.

16-Gall Bracer

2 dash Angostura bitters

2 dash Grenadine

2 measure Bourbon or Rye whiskey

1- Half fill a bar glass with ice cube and add the Angostura bitters , Grenadine and whisky and stir well to chill.

2- Place some ice cubes in small tumbler glass or whisky glass and pour the cocktail over it.

3- Garnish it with maraschino cherry.

17-Moscow Mule (Classic cocktail from 1947)

2 measure Vodka

1/4 measure lime juice

3 measure Sparkling ginger ale

1-Pour the vodka and lime juice into a highball glass half filled with ice.

2- Top up the mixture with ginger ale and add a few halved slices of lime to the cocktail.

3- Serve whisky or any cocktail glass.

18-White Russian

1 measure Vodka

2 measure Kahlua or Tia Maria

1 measure whipped cream

1- Shake all the ingredients well with ice in a cocktail shaker.

2- Strain into a cocktail glass.


1- 1/2 measure vodka

3/4 measure Tia Maria

3/4 measure Orange Juice

1- Shake all the ingredients well with ice in a cocktail shaker.

2- Strain into a cocktail glass.

you can confer same cocktail into Black Russian by adding cola or coke instead of orange juice and serve in highball glass.

20-Golden Russian

1- 1/2 measure vodka

1 measure Galliano

1/4 measure lime juice

1- Pour all the ingredients into a rocks glass over plenty of crushed ice , stir and add a slice of lime.

21-Blue Shark

1 measure vodka

1 measure tequila

1/2 measure / 2 tsp blue curaçao

1- Shake all the ingredients well with ice in a cocktail shaker and strain into a small rocks glass.

2- Squeeze a little orange rind over the drink to release the oil but don't add the rind itself.

22-Sex on the Beach

1 measure vodka

1 measure peach schnapps

3 measure cranberry juice

3 measure pineapple juice

1- Half fill highball glass with cracked ice and add all the ingredients in the above order, stir vigorously.

2- Garnish with pieces of pineapple and orange


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